Smart Urban Security and Event Resilience - SURE

SURE makes daily lives of citizens and visitors in Tampere safer and more secure by developing and testing a comprehensive and smart event-related urban security solution.

The project aims to increase cross-sectoral preparedness to threats against public spaces and other urban security threats in Tampere. The latest urban security technologies will be utilized and integrated. Innovative co-creation methods, joint simulations and exercises will be applied to facilitate smooth and seamless coordination and cooperation between urban and security authorities, first responders and event organizers.



SURE creates a seamless blend of security and ambience for urban events.


Smart Urban Security and Event Resilience - SURE

Security is done together. The SURE project led by the city of Tampere is participated by a diverse group of experts from the Safety and Security Cluster of Pirkanmaa and Smart Tampere program. The partners taking part in the project areNokia, Insta Group, Securitas, Tampere University, Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Business Tampere.

Funded by

The SURE Project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative.

Press release by the European Commission.